
Monday, March 8, 2010

A thousand a day...88 & 89

Today, I took my first dip into Lake Mary Nell. It was on my bucket list of things to do before I graduate, so making it happen was very exciting for me. The way that it happened was even more exciting. For my class' show "You Have a Pet...WHAT!?," we caught leeches in Lake Mary Nell to be our No. 1 craziest pet at Elon. And it was up to the producer and assistant producer, aka me and Laura, to trek to the lake so I could put on waders and catch those bloody things. Pun intended.

Here, Laura is sifting through the muck to pick out our prized Elon pets.

Sunday, March 7, 2010
Cracker Barrel's famous peg game


David Wells said...

1. Lake Mary Nell is gross.
2. I love the cracker barrel peg game. I know how to get just one peg left IN the same spot that started empty! aka. genius material? Maybe.

Ashley Barnas said...

1. It is definitely gross, but an awesome experience.
2. You are a genius for that.

Olivia Hubert-Allen said...

Ammunition to never, ever participate in the Polar Plunge (at least not without a wet suit!)