
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A thousand a day...119

One of my favorite professors and leaders, Dr. David Copeland. I got to take his photo today for my Elon leaders book project and loved this picture the best - it incorporates his love of history because of all the old newspapers he has on the wall...and you can also see a "Freaks and Geeks" slide on his computer from one of my favorite power points from his Media History class.

A best day on Cloud Pacemaker

I was in my producing class and got out early - about 2:30. I had a voicemail from Pam, one of my best friends the current editor-in-chief of The Pendulum. Something along the lines of, "Ms. Barnas, I know you are in class right now but I have something incredibly important to tell you. Call me the SECOND you get out of class." I was nervous! I didn't know what to expect! I had a feeling it was something good by the tone of her voice, but I had no idea what it could be.

The next thing I did was call Pam back. I was instructed to come to Acorn immediately - "no detours, do not pass go, do not collect $100." My "little and g-little" (Pam and Sunshine, respectively) were waiting for me outside. I arrived at Acorn and was told to sit down in between Pam and Sunshine. That's when Pam told me The Pendulum's Web site was named an Associated Collegiate Press Online Pacemaker finalist today. I grabbed their hands and was shaking with shock and happiness. It was quite the moment...especially considering we were outside and all the other tables were full and I was squealing and sobbing with joy. People were judging.

The article on E-net explains how our Web site was one of 20 chosen to be finalists out of more than 240 newspaper Web sites. Our site was judged based on:
  • Multimedia storytelling
  • Writing and editing
  • Site design
  • In-depth and complete coverage
  • Interactivity
  • Graphics and photography
I just couldn't be more excited. After a round of hugs, gripping the metal armrests of the chair and tearing up, I finally let it sink in that my greatest goal as online editor-in-chief was one step closer to being achieved. Each of the editors meet with our adviser at the beginning of our term. It was January 2009 when I stepped into the role and I knew immediately that I wanted to transform our Web site, produce quality multimedia journalism and earn a Pacemaker for The Pendulum Online. I kept my old document, "Ashley's Goals for The Pendulum Online," and the first bullet on the list is, "Win Pacemakers!" Little did I know then that my goal would (almost) come true a year later.

When The Pendulum won its first Pacemaker for the weekly student newspaper, it was such an incredible moment to share with five of my closest friends and fellow editors at the ACP/CMA convention in Austin, Texas. It is an honor we have been working toward since I've been working for The Pendulum. But to me, this online honor is even dearer to my heart, especially since we only just launched the new version of The Pendulum Online in February 2009.

While I may not have accomplished every other goal I bulleted on that original list, I am most proud of the fact that our staff embraced multimedia and an online presence so swiftly and successfully a year ago. It was a long and trying task at times, which makes the achievement all the more sweet. The accomplishment couldn't have happened without the section editors' willingness to embrace the new venture and the awesome multimedia team producing high quality videos, photo slideshows, podcasts and flash elements.

I will be holding my breath until the convention in Louisville, Ky., on Oct. 30, when the winners are announced. Returning home from Austin this fall made our win for the paper so real. The accomplishment was all the more amazing when it was shared with everyone. Because without everyone, there would be no Pendulum and certainly no Pacemaker. The promise on an Online Pacemaker is so close, much closer than I could have dreamed a year and a half ago.

 The staff in the office when we returned from Austin with our first Pacemaker plaque.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Time to smell the blossoms

I took about 15 minutes for myself today in between meetings and found some beautiful spots on campus that are finally blooming. Since I could only pick one photo of the day, I am cheating by posting a few of my other favorites here.

Looking up at the Pendulum office trees

Tree in front of Elon Community Church

Flowers I pass on my way to class in the colonnades of Koury Gym

My favorite trees outside the gym

Close up of my favorite gym trees

Lake Mary Nell...hard to believe leeches live in there

Pretty blossoms near Lake Mary Nell

Outside Story Center (I never know which one is Chandler, Sloan, etc.)

A thousand a day...118

A beautiful day by Lake Mary Nell

Monday, March 29, 2010

A thousand a day...117

I was in the office (it's production night) helping with cutlines and realized I hadn't taken my photo of the day yet. When I asked who wanted to be today's photo, Pam jumped at the chance and posed like a plane. With an Acorn drink in hand.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

A thousand a day...116

Return from spring break and the campus is beginning to blossom

A thousand a day...108-115: Spring Break in Bay St. Louis

During my final spring break, I got to do something I've been looking forward to doing since I came to Elon: a service trip. I first heard about the trip to Bay St. Louis, Mississippi, when the fall break trip was advertised in Moseley my freshman year. Still fresh from the Katrina damage, the trip got a lot of buzz around campus. Elon partnered with the city immediately after Katrina and has since sent 23 groups during fall, fake and spring breaks. It was an honor to be chosen to go and such a entire week full of them. In the coming week, I'll be sure to share some more stories from the trip. For now, here are my photos from the best spring break ever:

Saturday, March 27, 2010
Souvenir. Some of our group got to help landscape with mentally handicapped adults and were rewarded with the beautiful beads they make. Though I was in a different group for this particular day of service, my friends brought beads back for everyone. The tag on each of our Mardi Gras beads says, "Handcrafted at Benchwork Industries: A division of Gulf Coast Society for Retarded Citizens."

Friday, March 26, 2010
Our last day in Mississippi couldn't have been more beautiful - service-, weather- and friendship-wise. We spent the day working at an elderly woman's home. She recently had a stroke and her husband passed away a year ago. He was the one who kept their yard beautiful. In a few hours, we painted her shed, mowed her lawn, weeded around the entire house (lots of flower beds with incredible potential) and planted three new flowers. Her husband's favorite color was yellow, so those flowers will bloom in remembrance of him.

Thursday, March 25, 2010 
Two women are still living in this FEMA trailer, years after the storm. We spent a few hours insulating the house being built next door for them. It's been under construction for nearly two years now and little progress has been made because there's not enough help. One man we worked with on the project has taken it under his wing and will hopefully be able to finish the home for them soon.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010
We journeyed out of Mississippi for the day and headed over to New Orleans. While there, we not only got to enjoy the tourist part of the city, but more importantly, we toured Mid-City, where we saw the incredible damage Katrina did to neighborhoods. Nearly five years after the storm, we were stunned by what we saw.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010
After working at Feed My Sheep, a soup kitchen in Gulfport, this morning, we popped down to the Gulf of Mexico for a quick visit. And Elise learned she can walk on water!

Monday, March 22, 2010
An afternoon trip to the bay. 

Sunday, March 21, 2010
It's fun to work at the YMCA! Sarah, Kate and Rebecca work on parts for a door they built for a shed while a local doggy friend comes to visit. One of our lovely white Elon vans is in the background.

Saturday, March 20, 2010
It was pouring rain when we arrived in Lizana, Mississippi, late Saturday night. Greeting us at the front door was this sign. It was such a wonderful welcome to the Deep South.

Friday, March 19, 2010

A thousand a day...106 & 107

Friday, March 19, 2010
Daffodils are finally in bloom at Elon.

Thursday, March 18, 2010
Midnight Meals with Rip_Chord. Theme: bro night.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

A thousand a day...104 & 105

A couple favorites for my "Legacies of Elon Leaders" book...explanation to follow soon!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Dr. George Troxler

Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Dr. Earl Danieley

Monday, March 15, 2010

Friday, March 12, 2010

A thousand a day...The 100th Day

Today is the 100th day David, Justine and I have been taking "a thousand a day." Though I've missed a few days along the way, I ended up posting 115 photos, all of which I printed here in honor of our big day.

It's been so wonderful taking a photo each day and our project has really helped me grow into a better photographer. I have been seeing things in a very different light and have realized that nearly anything can make a good photo when you look at it the right way. As cheesy as it may sound, it's so true. There can be beauty in anything. My photos often reflect how I am feeling each day - and no matter how I am feeling, taking my photo of the day and looking for David's and Justine's at the end of each day is a small highlight that has a big impact on my life. I look forward to hundreds more to come.

A thousand a day...93

Kricket making chowda from the secret Feeney Family recipe!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A thousand a day...90

It was a gorgeous day at Elon today and I made the most of it in between classes, meetings and interviews by sitting outside of Acorn with two of my favorite people, Gabby and Sunshine (also known as my G-Little and G-G-Little). The two of them somehow managed to match everything they were sitting with: Gabby in red and Sunshine in green.

Monday, March 8, 2010

A thousand a day...88 & 89

Today, I took my first dip into Lake Mary Nell. It was on my bucket list of things to do before I graduate, so making it happen was very exciting for me. The way that it happened was even more exciting. For my class' show "You Have a Pet...WHAT!?," we caught leeches in Lake Mary Nell to be our No. 1 craziest pet at Elon. And it was up to the producer and assistant producer, aka me and Laura, to trek to the lake so I could put on waders and catch those bloody things. Pun intended.

Here, Laura is sifting through the muck to pick out our prized Elon pets.

Sunday, March 7, 2010
Cracker Barrel's famous peg game

Saturday, March 6, 2010

A thousand a day...87

Choosing today's photo was a hard decision and an easy decision. It was hard because I had to select it out of 490 photos (that's the count after I deleted about a hundred). It was easy because of how symbolic it is of my entire day.

Catholic Campus Ministry (CCM) hosted its annual Confirmation Retreat today at Blessed Sacrament, just down the road. The day is spent with about 70-80 teens preparing for their confirmation. CCM students are team leaders for the day (along with high school leaders who have already been confirmed) and work with the teens to teach them about the Holy Spirit, what it means to be confirmed and how to continue your faith into high school and college (and that you can still be cool like us)! Like last year, I spent the day as the official photographer. I love being able to bounce around to see the six different groups at the stations we set up for them...a highlight is the trust walk with blindfolds - hilarious photos are the result of that.

Toward the middle of the day, the teens watch a skit about being overwhelmed and challenged in their lives and faith. It's really powerful to watch because of the great job the Elon students do. Afterward, the teens write down some things that are bothering them and then offer it up to the cross. Watching everyone nail down their troubles is a really neat moment, which is why I chose this photo.

Friday, March 5, 2010

A thousand a day...86

Continuing my journey through the world of Elon's most awesome pets, I got to meet Marley the hedgehog today. At 6 months old, she is as big as she's going to get - a little bigger than my hand.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

A thousand a day...85: Happy National Grammar Day!

Happy National Grammar Day! My friend David Wells asked me how someone might celebrate National Grammar Day...and I decided to pay tribute to my beloved grammar books, and, of course, my AP Stylebooks from freshman and senior year. I decided to research this day and discovered there is a Web site dedicated just to National Grammar Day. The introduction to the Web site proclaims: "Language is something to be celebrated, and March 4 is the perfect day to do it. It's not only a date, it's an imperative: March forth on March 4 to speak well, write well, and help others do the same!"

Grammar nerds unite!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A thousand a day...84

I think I found a new friend. I have decided to name him Lenny.

Back story: For my producing class, we are putting on a show called "You Have a Pet...WHAT!?" where we do a top 10 countdown to the craziest, most unique pets people have on campus. I am assistant producing for my friend Laura Ward, the producer and creator of the show, so I go on all the shoots with her. Just down the road, there is a reptile and fish store we visited to check out some of the pets. ...And that's when I found Lenny. He's a bearded dragon, about 2 years old. He was previously owned by some naughty little boys who somehow hurt Lenny's tail.

We walked all around the shop looking at the different fish, snakes, tarantulas and other creatures, and then came back to Lenny's tank to shoot some footage of him. When I pulled out my still camera to take some photos, he kept posing for me and following me as I moved around. Hence why I am in love with him. As soon as we packed up our stuff to leave, he ran to the other end of the tank where I was and posed like this. It's love.

Monday, March 1, 2010

A thousand a day...82

This is how senior Pendulum editors now spend their Monday nights...basically, Amanda finally got to slice somebunny.