
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A best day on Cloud Pacemaker

I was in my producing class and got out early - about 2:30. I had a voicemail from Pam, one of my best friends the current editor-in-chief of The Pendulum. Something along the lines of, "Ms. Barnas, I know you are in class right now but I have something incredibly important to tell you. Call me the SECOND you get out of class." I was nervous! I didn't know what to expect! I had a feeling it was something good by the tone of her voice, but I had no idea what it could be.

The next thing I did was call Pam back. I was instructed to come to Acorn immediately - "no detours, do not pass go, do not collect $100." My "little and g-little" (Pam and Sunshine, respectively) were waiting for me outside. I arrived at Acorn and was told to sit down in between Pam and Sunshine. That's when Pam told me The Pendulum's Web site was named an Associated Collegiate Press Online Pacemaker finalist today. I grabbed their hands and was shaking with shock and happiness. It was quite the moment...especially considering we were outside and all the other tables were full and I was squealing and sobbing with joy. People were judging.

The article on E-net explains how our Web site was one of 20 chosen to be finalists out of more than 240 newspaper Web sites. Our site was judged based on:
  • Multimedia storytelling
  • Writing and editing
  • Site design
  • In-depth and complete coverage
  • Interactivity
  • Graphics and photography
I just couldn't be more excited. After a round of hugs, gripping the metal armrests of the chair and tearing up, I finally let it sink in that my greatest goal as online editor-in-chief was one step closer to being achieved. Each of the editors meet with our adviser at the beginning of our term. It was January 2009 when I stepped into the role and I knew immediately that I wanted to transform our Web site, produce quality multimedia journalism and earn a Pacemaker for The Pendulum Online. I kept my old document, "Ashley's Goals for The Pendulum Online," and the first bullet on the list is, "Win Pacemakers!" Little did I know then that my goal would (almost) come true a year later.

When The Pendulum won its first Pacemaker for the weekly student newspaper, it was such an incredible moment to share with five of my closest friends and fellow editors at the ACP/CMA convention in Austin, Texas. It is an honor we have been working toward since I've been working for The Pendulum. But to me, this online honor is even dearer to my heart, especially since we only just launched the new version of The Pendulum Online in February 2009.

While I may not have accomplished every other goal I bulleted on that original list, I am most proud of the fact that our staff embraced multimedia and an online presence so swiftly and successfully a year ago. It was a long and trying task at times, which makes the achievement all the more sweet. The accomplishment couldn't have happened without the section editors' willingness to embrace the new venture and the awesome multimedia team producing high quality videos, photo slideshows, podcasts and flash elements.

I will be holding my breath until the convention in Louisville, Ky., on Oct. 30, when the winners are announced. Returning home from Austin this fall made our win for the paper so real. The accomplishment was all the more amazing when it was shared with everyone. Because without everyone, there would be no Pendulum and certainly no Pacemaker. The promise on an Online Pacemaker is so close, much closer than I could have dreamed a year and a half ago.

 The staff in the office when we returned from Austin with our first Pacemaker plaque.

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