Choosing today's photo was a hard decision and an easy decision. It was hard because I had to select it out of 490 photos (that's the count after I deleted about a hundred). It was easy because of how symbolic it is of my entire day.
Catholic Campus Ministry (CCM) hosted its annual Confirmation Retreat today at Blessed Sacrament, just down the road. The day is spent with about 70-80 teens preparing for their confirmation. CCM students are team leaders for the day (along with high school leaders who have already been confirmed) and work with the teens to teach them about the Holy Spirit, what it means to be confirmed and how to continue your faith into high school and college (and that you can still be cool like us)! Like last year, I spent the day as the official photographer. I love being able to bounce around to see the six different groups at the stations we set up for them...a highlight is the trust walk with blindfolds - hilarious photos are the result of that.
Toward the middle of the day, the teens watch a skit about being overwhelmed and challenged in their lives and faith. It's really powerful to watch because of the great job the Elon students do. Afterward, the teens write down some things that are bothering them and then offer it up to the cross. Watching everyone nail down their troubles is a really neat moment, which is why I chose this photo.
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