On Sunday, May 16, Justine and I set out on a photoshoot adventure. We had no idea where we were going to go, but Justine had a hunch. And we took it. Driving about 10-15 minutes off campus, we found this incredible abandoned house.
It was remarkable to see how beautiful the home is and how many interesting features it has. We had to wonder why the family left the home. Did they choose to? Or did they have to?

The outside was so interesting - plants and flowers were still in bloom, a bird bath was left crumbling, a swingset remained standing but without swings. We guessed there may have been a fire since a charcoal smell hung in the air in some parts of the backyard.
Couches on an outside patio were torn apart, springs visible, wires poking out, cushions flaking up every which way.

The stars all over the cinder block walls were curious enough until we discovered the indoor walls were starred as well. Yes, we were brave enough to go inside the house. A roll of paper towels was on the floor, spider webs clung around the window corners. The bathroom was eerily dark despite the sunshine forcing its way through an aged-over window.
Outside the front door, we even heard an animal creepily scamper above us. We questioned who or what lived in this house at different points of its abandonment.

It would have been amazing to explore the house even more...maybe even climbing the winding staircase to see what was on the second floor. But we needed a little more bravery to do that. And, we decided, perhaps a boy to go first. ;-)
We left our abandoned house and drove to a street in Gibsonville. We found some cute new shops and some really old shops. Justine and I learned there is quite a contrast in architecture and life style in Gibsonville and we determined it's incredible what you learn when you drive just a few minutes off campus and away from the botanical garden that is Elon. It's something we should do more often.
A few other favorites from the abandoned house...
And a few from our little street in Gibsonville...
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