We may have lost to Wake Forest last week, but I still had an incredible time. The stadium was amazing - SO big. And the Pendulum people I was with made it even more enjoyable.
I went onto the roof to shoot video during halftime and the view, as I suspected, was breathtaking. I love the top of Rhodes Stadium, but this is even higher in the air.

And as soon as Pam, Sam and I got back to campus, I put together a highlights reel. I was ready this time and finished it quickly thanks to taking timecode notes on my phone any time I saw an awesome play.
It took me several hours (most of Monday's production night) to edit the bigger all-encompassing video, and I decided to try a voiceover. I may need to work on my sporty voice, though:
The best part: I'm slowing starting to understand football. It will probably take a few more games for me to feel like an expert, but I'm definitely starting to grasp some concepts.
I am SO proud of Pam and Sam for all the hard work they are putting in to The Pendulum's football coverage. They tweet and blog throughout the game in addition to keeping stats/play-by-play notes and preparing the big overall stories. They never cease to impress me and they really have taken Pendulum sports to a whole new level this semester.
Before the game started (we began the trek to Wake at about 2:30 so we could get our bearings), we hit up the Elon tailgate and interviewed some students, alumni, and my personal favorite, Dr. Danieley:
Can't wait for Georgia Southern during Family Weekend on Saturday!
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