Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
My morning rainbow
Sunday, January 23, 2011
New curtains
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Friday, January 21, 2011
Snowy cold Delaware: Photos 405-416
Friday, January 21, 2011
Finally bought a wine rack
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Putting my Christmas present to good use for the first time!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Making red velvet cupcakes again
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Snowy night
Monday, January 17, 2011
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Revisiting the bush
Mommy and Daddy
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Ice bush
Friday, January 14, 2011
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Morning snow
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Finally bought a wine rack
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Putting my Christmas present to good use for the first time!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Making red velvet cupcakes again
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Snowy night
Monday, January 17, 2011
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Revisiting the bush
Mommy and Daddy
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Ice bush
Friday, January 14, 2011
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Morning snow
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Monday, January 10, 2011
Photos 399-404
Monday, January 10, 2011
The leader books arrived today!
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Friday, January 7, 2011
The drive to work after an early morning layer of snow.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
I haven't had a cooking adventure in a while, but today I tried a creative new salad
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
The leader books arrived today!
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Friday, January 7, 2011
The drive to work after an early morning layer of snow.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
I haven't had a cooking adventure in a while, but today I tried a creative new salad
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Sunday, January 9, 2011
2010: My year
It was a big year in the life of Ashley Barnas. Growth would probably be the main word I'd use to describe my year, though it was about so much more than that. Of course, all the "so much more" came together to spark that growth...
My final Winter Term at Elon was spent in an incredible way...this time in Japan with one of my best friends, Pam Richter. We spent half the trip in Kyoto and the other half in Tokyo studying Japanese media and culture. It was an amazing adventure, as all study abroad trips tend to be, and I took thousands of photos, as usual. Here's just a few of them from old blog posts. Trip highlights were experiencing Coming of Age Day, and taking day trips to Hiroshima, Osaka and Nagoya. The best part of the trip for me (and for Pam) was visiting all the shrines and temples. They were all so beautiful and unique, but most of all, peaceful. We would walk around the grounds for hours just thinking, reflecting and praying. One of our favorites was Kinkaku-ji (Golden Pavilion) in Kyoto...yes, there was a phoenix on top. Yes, that was a sign since the phoenix is Elon's mascot.
The incredibly sad news of January was the passing of the best dog any family could love. Comet was 10 years old and he passed away while I was in Japan. It's not an exaggeration or cliché to say he touched and changed our lives for the better. Comet was an extraordinary dog and a member of the family. The story of how he came into our lives will be a children's book someday.
Our side of the world was pounded with snow. I missed out on the craziness Maryland received, but Elon got its fair share of my favorite form of precipitation. Note: This photo is actually from another snow we had on March 2. I'm told the car belongs to the costume designer of Elon's theater department.
Bridal show with Alexa
I got to go to my first bridal show with my bride, Alexa Milan, to offer my opinion on cakes, photographers, dresses and more.
You have a pet...WHAT?!
My month was consumed by my role as assistant producer for a documentary on the zany, crazy, cool pets at Elon. I had an absolute blast shooting, editing, producing and organizing the show with executive producer Laura Ward and the rest of our class. Best of all, I met some incredible animals. One of which I came very close to adopting.
Lenny, a bearded dragon, captured my heart as soon as I met him at the pet store down the road from campus. Lenny lost part of his tail after some rough-housing with the naughty little boys who first owned him. I was convinced he was the pet for me until I found out he had impregnated some bearded dragon lady and was soon to be a father...I certainly couldn't take him away from his little babies, so I decided to leave him where he was. Of course, bearded dragons are said to have no attachment to their young, but in my heart I knew I just couldn't keep him.
Other pet highlights: I shot video of a really scary snake, Cora the rat, Marley the hedgehog and Mittens the chinchilla. Ultimate highlight: Dipping for leeches in Lake Mary Nell.
Spring Break in Bay St. Louis
My freshman year at Elon, I remember walking through Moseley and seeing a booth to sign up for Spring Break in Bay St. Louis, Mississippi, for Katrina relief. I knew then that I wanted to take an alternative spring break trip while at Elon...and what better a time than senior year! Everything happens for a reason, and I was chosen to go on the trip with 14 other students. I was the only senior, so I felt really old. =) Here's my post from after the trip.
After talking to the trip's leaders, it was decided that I would take a video camera to document the trip. It was not only an honor to be asked, but a fun and challenging task to find the balance between service work and documentary work. It was so rewarding to finish the documentary though - it turned out to be two parts, one to present during an undergraduate student research week, and the other for our pure enjoyment, which ended up being a nice present to give my BSL friends the week of finals.
The trip, like my study abroad adventures, was life changing. I had never been on a service trip of this size before, and I encountered so many incredible people and moments. I can't imagine what Mississippi must have been like directly after Katrina beyond the photos and video we've seen. There are still so many things to be done and the biggest lesson we learned while we were down there is that listening and offering comfort can go a long way. The theme of our trip became "the small things matter."
Here's the video we presented:
A little dream come true
On March 31, I received a phone call from then editor-in-chief Pam Richter and then sports editor Sam Calvert saying something along the lines of "do not pass go, do not speak to anyone, get to the Acorn (coffee shop) patio immediately." When I showed up, I was told The Pendulum Online had been nominated for its first Pacemaker. I began to squeal and sob outside Acorn, which sits next to The Pendulum office. People were looking. I didn't care. My entire tenure as online editor-in-chief was dedicated to making that website the best it could be, and the hard work, tears and no sleep finally paid off. Here's the full post I wrote after finding out.
In true Pendy love style, a few of us celebrated with dinner at Varsity. Note the sheer joy on everyone's faces. lol
Rip_Chord's final concert
When Elon's all male a cappella group formed my freshman year, I wrote about it for The Pendulum. My second-ever article for the student newspaper because my first-ever article as part of my unofficial job as Rip_Chord beat writer. On April 10, Rip_Chord held its spring concert, the last concert of the year. I will always be their biggest fan...and that is an official title. Here's a photo with my dear friend Josh Tate, then president, after the concert, and an old photo from when my roomie, Laura Wainman, surprised me with an a cappellagram for my birthday.
My final Elonthon
The 24-hour dance marathon for Duke Children's Hospital will forever be one of my favorite Elon events. I danced it every year and covered it for The Pendulum a couple times. It's always an incredible experience, especially when we get to meet some of the kids. My blog post after my final Elonthon. Highlight of the evening: When Rip_Chord performed and my darling Chris Beeson changed the lyrics of "A Whole New World" to include my name at the end of the song.
Here's my "GG" Gabby Szewcow with one of the Miracle Children:
There are five Elon Experiences and I was determined to hit them all in my four years at Elon: Internship, Study Abroad, Service, Leadership and Undergraduate Research. The final experience I needed to complete on my Elon checklist was undergraduate research. The summer after my sophomore year, I traveled to Seoul, South Korea, with fellow student Craig Campbell and Dr. Glenn Scott to spend a week at the OECD Ministerial Meeting interviewing people on their views for the future of the Internet. After Craig and I put all those videos and transcripts together for my professor Janna Anderson's "Imagining the Internet" project, I analyzed the findings and presented "Seoul Searching: OECD Ministerial Participants’ Views on the Future of ICTs" on SURF (Student Undergraduate Research Forum) Day. Here's the post I wrote after we returned from Seoul.
Hearing Nicholas Kristof speak
Kristof was the keynote speaker at our spring convocation for honors, and as my journalism friends would agree, we couldn't have asked for a more perfect fit for senior year convocation. My post from Kristof's visit.
May was a tremendously emotional month for so many reasons
1. I turned 22.
This would be the last time I would be the oldest person around. I felt OLD. Little did I know I would enter the real world soon and feel like the youngest person around. I now wish I had relished that old feeling a bit more successfully. My birthday blog post.
2. My mom and dad celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary. They're an inspiration of true love...and also an example that's hard to live up to since they are high school sweethearts.
3. Rave in the Pendulum editing vault
It was one of those necessary moments of insane fun. Nothing says it better than this animation Camille DeMere created based on the photos she took of me, Pam, and Corey Groom dancing.
4. Nerdy Journalism Movie Night comes to an end.
Almost every week, a group of us journalists would come together at my apartment to watch one of our favorite nerdy journalism movies. During that time, we watched:
-Shattered Glass
-Good Night, and Good Luck
-State of Play
-All the President's Men
5. Graduation
SO many events and celebrations led up to graduation - including a picnic, gala, trip to Biltmore, final mass, and more - and I pretty much detailed them all in this post. I have a ton of photos to document the day (and days leading up to the big day), but I will re-share two of them, one being the iconic image of me coming off the stage as captured by the amazing Corey Groom (it's great to have friends in high places, i.e. Pendulum photographers).
Baby Colin is born
My cousin Amanda and her husband Mike became parents!
Michael's graduation
My Mikey graduated from North Point High School. He made a speech. He hugged the random woman who gave him his diploma. He conquered.
Summer adventures
Ocean City with my Ya-Ya sisters, the barbecue festival in D.C. with Morgan Little and hiking Harpers Ferry/Maryland Heights with my Subway date Rachel Cieri.
First time in the First State
I interviewed for a job at The News Journal on June 22, the one-month anniversary of my graduation. That was my first good luck sign. My second was when a chipmunk scampered in front of me as I walked up to the building.
Another wedding to look forward to
My childhood friend Christine Cline got engaged on July 16 and asked me to be a bridesmaid
I become a real person
I started my job as lead video producer at The News Journal on July 21. I moved in to my first apartment that same day.
Mikey starts college
As always, I was a big helper in moving Mikey in to his apartment
Mom and Dad's 30-year high school reunion
Football begins
It was a dream come true for me to be able to continue shooting football video. Every week, I got to cover a high school football game and loved every minute of it (even when it got to be freezing cold).
It was a magical Ya-Ya trip to visit the sunflowers at Longwood Gardens
Primaries in Delaware
My little state of Delaware made national news when Christine O'Donnell beat Mike Castle to run for Senate.
Going home to Elon was just what I needed for my soul. Saying goodbye to the Pendulum office before it's demolished was definitely a bittersweet moment, though.
Election Day
A really exciting day to live in Delaware. Highlight was getting to shoot video of Christine O'Donnell voting and then editing like crazy for the rest of the day and night.
Return Day
I got to help cover one of Delaware's most interseting traditions
Puppy Shower
My Ya-Ya sister Caitlin welcomed baby Westin into her life, so we threw her a puppy shower, Ya-Ya style!
New York City
A quick weekend trip to NYC when my penpal, Pam, came to visit from Utah
End of Thousand a Day
On Dec. 2, 2010, I hit my final day of taking at least one photo every single day for a year. It was an awesome project I enjoyed so much that I decided to continue for another year.
My final post
My first post
Every post in between
My first Christmas tree
I was determined to have a Charlie Brown Christmas Tree as my first official tree as a real person, and here's how he turned out:
Welcoming Merlin and Paprika to the family
On Dec. 22, Paprika and Merlin became my new brother and sister
My final Winter Term at Elon was spent in an incredible way...this time in Japan with one of my best friends, Pam Richter. We spent half the trip in Kyoto and the other half in Tokyo studying Japanese media and culture. It was an amazing adventure, as all study abroad trips tend to be, and I took thousands of photos, as usual. Here's just a few of them from old blog posts. Trip highlights were experiencing Coming of Age Day, and taking day trips to Hiroshima, Osaka and Nagoya. The best part of the trip for me (and for Pam) was visiting all the shrines and temples. They were all so beautiful and unique, but most of all, peaceful. We would walk around the grounds for hours just thinking, reflecting and praying. One of our favorites was Kinkaku-ji (Golden Pavilion) in Kyoto...yes, there was a phoenix on top. Yes, that was a sign since the phoenix is Elon's mascot.
The incredibly sad news of January was the passing of the best dog any family could love. Comet was 10 years old and he passed away while I was in Japan. It's not an exaggeration or cliché to say he touched and changed our lives for the better. Comet was an extraordinary dog and a member of the family. The story of how he came into our lives will be a children's book someday.
Our side of the world was pounded with snow. I missed out on the craziness Maryland received, but Elon got its fair share of my favorite form of precipitation. Note: This photo is actually from another snow we had on March 2. I'm told the car belongs to the costume designer of Elon's theater department.
Bridal show with Alexa
I got to go to my first bridal show with my bride, Alexa Milan, to offer my opinion on cakes, photographers, dresses and more.
You have a pet...WHAT?!
My month was consumed by my role as assistant producer for a documentary on the zany, crazy, cool pets at Elon. I had an absolute blast shooting, editing, producing and organizing the show with executive producer Laura Ward and the rest of our class. Best of all, I met some incredible animals. One of which I came very close to adopting.
Lenny, a bearded dragon, captured my heart as soon as I met him at the pet store down the road from campus. Lenny lost part of his tail after some rough-housing with the naughty little boys who first owned him. I was convinced he was the pet for me until I found out he had impregnated some bearded dragon lady and was soon to be a father...I certainly couldn't take him away from his little babies, so I decided to leave him where he was. Of course, bearded dragons are said to have no attachment to their young, but in my heart I knew I just couldn't keep him.
Other pet highlights: I shot video of a really scary snake, Cora the rat, Marley the hedgehog and Mittens the chinchilla. Ultimate highlight: Dipping for leeches in Lake Mary Nell.
Spring Break in Bay St. Louis
My freshman year at Elon, I remember walking through Moseley and seeing a booth to sign up for Spring Break in Bay St. Louis, Mississippi, for Katrina relief. I knew then that I wanted to take an alternative spring break trip while at Elon...and what better a time than senior year! Everything happens for a reason, and I was chosen to go on the trip with 14 other students. I was the only senior, so I felt really old. =) Here's my post from after the trip.
After talking to the trip's leaders, it was decided that I would take a video camera to document the trip. It was not only an honor to be asked, but a fun and challenging task to find the balance between service work and documentary work. It was so rewarding to finish the documentary though - it turned out to be two parts, one to present during an undergraduate student research week, and the other for our pure enjoyment, which ended up being a nice present to give my BSL friends the week of finals.
The trip, like my study abroad adventures, was life changing. I had never been on a service trip of this size before, and I encountered so many incredible people and moments. I can't imagine what Mississippi must have been like directly after Katrina beyond the photos and video we've seen. There are still so many things to be done and the biggest lesson we learned while we were down there is that listening and offering comfort can go a long way. The theme of our trip became "the small things matter."
Here's the video we presented:
A little dream come true
On March 31, I received a phone call from then editor-in-chief Pam Richter and then sports editor Sam Calvert saying something along the lines of "do not pass go, do not speak to anyone, get to the Acorn (coffee shop) patio immediately." When I showed up, I was told The Pendulum Online had been nominated for its first Pacemaker. I began to squeal and sob outside Acorn, which sits next to The Pendulum office. People were looking. I didn't care. My entire tenure as online editor-in-chief was dedicated to making that website the best it could be, and the hard work, tears and no sleep finally paid off. Here's the full post I wrote after finding out.
In true Pendy love style, a few of us celebrated with dinner at Varsity. Note the sheer joy on everyone's faces. lol
Rip_Chord's final concert
When Elon's all male a cappella group formed my freshman year, I wrote about it for The Pendulum. My second-ever article for the student newspaper because my first-ever article as part of my unofficial job as Rip_Chord beat writer. On April 10, Rip_Chord held its spring concert, the last concert of the year. I will always be their biggest fan...and that is an official title. Here's a photo with my dear friend Josh Tate, then president, after the concert, and an old photo from when my roomie, Laura Wainman, surprised me with an a cappellagram for my birthday.
My final Elonthon
The 24-hour dance marathon for Duke Children's Hospital will forever be one of my favorite Elon events. I danced it every year and covered it for The Pendulum a couple times. It's always an incredible experience, especially when we get to meet some of the kids. My blog post after my final Elonthon. Highlight of the evening: When Rip_Chord performed and my darling Chris Beeson changed the lyrics of "A Whole New World" to include my name at the end of the song.
Here's my "GG" Gabby Szewcow with one of the Miracle Children:
There are five Elon Experiences and I was determined to hit them all in my four years at Elon: Internship, Study Abroad, Service, Leadership and Undergraduate Research. The final experience I needed to complete on my Elon checklist was undergraduate research. The summer after my sophomore year, I traveled to Seoul, South Korea, with fellow student Craig Campbell and Dr. Glenn Scott to spend a week at the OECD Ministerial Meeting interviewing people on their views for the future of the Internet. After Craig and I put all those videos and transcripts together for my professor Janna Anderson's "Imagining the Internet" project, I analyzed the findings and presented "Seoul Searching: OECD Ministerial Participants’ Views on the Future of ICTs" on SURF (Student Undergraduate Research Forum) Day. Here's the post I wrote after we returned from Seoul.
Hearing Nicholas Kristof speak
Kristof was the keynote speaker at our spring convocation for honors, and as my journalism friends would agree, we couldn't have asked for a more perfect fit for senior year convocation. My post from Kristof's visit.
May was a tremendously emotional month for so many reasons
1. I turned 22.
This would be the last time I would be the oldest person around. I felt OLD. Little did I know I would enter the real world soon and feel like the youngest person around. I now wish I had relished that old feeling a bit more successfully. My birthday blog post.
2. My mom and dad celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary. They're an inspiration of true love...and also an example that's hard to live up to since they are high school sweethearts.
3. Rave in the Pendulum editing vault
It was one of those necessary moments of insane fun. Nothing says it better than this animation Camille DeMere created based on the photos she took of me, Pam, and Corey Groom dancing.
4. Nerdy Journalism Movie Night comes to an end.
Almost every week, a group of us journalists would come together at my apartment to watch one of our favorite nerdy journalism movies. During that time, we watched:
-Shattered Glass
-Good Night, and Good Luck
-State of Play
-All the President's Men
5. Graduation
SO many events and celebrations led up to graduation - including a picnic, gala, trip to Biltmore, final mass, and more - and I pretty much detailed them all in this post. I have a ton of photos to document the day (and days leading up to the big day), but I will re-share two of them, one being the iconic image of me coming off the stage as captured by the amazing Corey Groom (it's great to have friends in high places, i.e. Pendulum photographers).
Baby Colin is born
My cousin Amanda and her husband Mike became parents!
Michael's graduation
My Mikey graduated from North Point High School. He made a speech. He hugged the random woman who gave him his diploma. He conquered.
Summer adventures
Ocean City with my Ya-Ya sisters, the barbecue festival in D.C. with Morgan Little and hiking Harpers Ferry/Maryland Heights with my Subway date Rachel Cieri.
First time in the First State
I interviewed for a job at The News Journal on June 22, the one-month anniversary of my graduation. That was my first good luck sign. My second was when a chipmunk scampered in front of me as I walked up to the building.
Another wedding to look forward to
My childhood friend Christine Cline got engaged on July 16 and asked me to be a bridesmaid
I become a real person
I started my job as lead video producer at The News Journal on July 21. I moved in to my first apartment that same day.
Mikey starts college
As always, I was a big helper in moving Mikey in to his apartment
Mom and Dad's 30-year high school reunion
Football begins
It was a dream come true for me to be able to continue shooting football video. Every week, I got to cover a high school football game and loved every minute of it (even when it got to be freezing cold).
It was a magical Ya-Ya trip to visit the sunflowers at Longwood Gardens
Primaries in Delaware
My little state of Delaware made national news when Christine O'Donnell beat Mike Castle to run for Senate.
Going home to Elon was just what I needed for my soul. Saying goodbye to the Pendulum office before it's demolished was definitely a bittersweet moment, though.
Election Day
A really exciting day to live in Delaware. Highlight was getting to shoot video of Christine O'Donnell voting and then editing like crazy for the rest of the day and night.
Return Day
I got to help cover one of Delaware's most interseting traditions
Puppy Shower
My Ya-Ya sister Caitlin welcomed baby Westin into her life, so we threw her a puppy shower, Ya-Ya style!
New York City
A quick weekend trip to NYC when my penpal, Pam, came to visit from Utah
End of Thousand a Day
On Dec. 2, 2010, I hit my final day of taking at least one photo every single day for a year. It was an awesome project I enjoyed so much that I decided to continue for another year.
My final post
My first post
Every post in between
My first Christmas tree
I was determined to have a Charlie Brown Christmas Tree as my first official tree as a real person, and here's how he turned out:
Welcoming Merlin and Paprika to the family
On Dec. 22, Paprika and Merlin became my new brother and sister
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