
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A thousand a day...363 & 364

Tuesday, November 30
Cupcake fail.

Here's the story since I truly need to explain. This time, I called on my buddy Duncan to help me bake lemon cupcakes.

First batch: Fail. I didn't fill the cups enough so they were all sunken in and had mysterious (though I found out nonpoisonous) brown spots on top.

Second batch: Eh. They were bright yellow and WAY poofed up (since I filled them extra) and a little soft on top. I put them in the fridge over night so I could frost them this morning. And here's where I really went wrong...I put the frosting in the fridge. When I pulled it out this morning, that hard icing combined with the smushy yellow cupcake know the rest.

After much prompting from my co-workers, I went back home around lunchtime to pick them up and bring them to work anyway. I was originally too distressed to bring in my hideous baking fail. At least they tasted good...

Note: Bottom right corner was the last one I frosted. Can you tell I was angry?

Monday, November 29
Today was a fairly epic day in the life of Ashley Barnas. I went to Trader Joe's for the first time ever and my life was changed. OK, maybe it wasn't that epic, but it was certainly a benchmark in my life. How have I never been to Trader Joe's before? Thank goodness for my friend/co-worker Vikki, who decided it was time for me to take that big step. In addition to all the fun stuff I found, I had to buy the cute reusable bag, too. That means I'll definitely be going back.

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