
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A thousand a day...332-343

Tuesday, November 9
Today was an AMAZING Wawa experience. Daniel and I left the office for an afternoon adventure. It's important to mention that this would be Daniel's first Wawa experience...something that is bound to happen sooner or later once you move to Delaware.

I was fully set on getting a coffee, but then I saw - drumroll - a milkshake machine. Say what!? I knew I had to be adventurous and get - no, MAKE - a Wawa milkshake. I turned to Daniel and said, "You can make milkshakes in Wawa!? For real!?" And he just laughed at me and pointed out that the milkshakes are actually made by the "Milkshakes." brand. Even better, the milkshake mixes said, "F'real" on them. No lie.

After staring at the machine in awe, I decided on a cookies and cream milkshake and Daniel got the same. I followed the step-by-step instructions, taking it very slowly so as not to make a mistake and, quite honestly, to relish every moment. A man at the coffee stand looked at me, clearly baffled by my joy at the discovery of the machine, and said, "It doesn't take a college degree to work that thing." Yeah, yeah. Cut me some slack. I was entranced! So, that's my glorious story behind today's thousand a day. It was one heck of a Wawa memory.

Monday, November 8

Sunday, November 7

Saturday, November 6
My Ya-Ya sister, Caitlin, is now the proud mommy of an English chocolate lab puppy. We threw her and Westin a puppy shower and just cooed over him, in addition to giving him and Caitlin lots of fun presents.

Friday, November 5
It was my first time being captain of the football ship tonight since Andre was out of town. I knew I was in for an intense night, so I'm really happy I survived it. Damian and Daniel brought their game tapes back for me and I edited theirs first before working on my two games. Lesson learned tonight: I much prefer being Gilligan to Skipper.

Rather than try to take a still from those videos, here is one of the games I shot this week:

And here's a link to the second game I covered.

Thursday, November 4
I got to partake in a unique Delaware tradition today. Return Day is held the Thursday after Election Day in Georgetown, Del. (Sussex County), and celebrates the end of the election season. Marching bands and politicians parade around the square, the town crier announces the returns and the opposing candidates literally bury a hatchet. Well, they hold the hatchet up together and then pass it off to party leaders who proceed to place the hatchet in a glass box and then fill it with sand. The only downfall to this awesome day was the off-and-on (though mostly on) rain. Daniel and I got to team up for this assignment, so we combined our footage to produce two videos later that night (we captured the footage on the long drive back to the office...very MoJo - mobile journalist - of us).

Here's the sights and sounds video I edited:

And the official ceremony video Daniel edited:

Wednesday, November 3
Another adventure with Justin Williams for "Anything Once." This time, he spent a morning working as a toll booth collector on Del. 1. The story runs Sunday, Nov. 14.

Tuesday, November 2
Election Day! My first Election Day in a newsroom was quite an experience. My day started at Charter School of Wilmington to shoot video of Christine O'Donnell voting. When I returned to the office, I edited that video along with a video on early voters, Chris Coons voting, Glen Urquhart voting and Vice President Joe Biden voting.

Here's a still from my morning video after O'Donnell finished voting.

I had the afternoon off and returned to the office after the polls closed. I waited for Damian and Daniel to come back with the tapes of O'Donnell, Coons, Urquhart and John Carney delivering their victory/concession speeches. (Here is O'Donnell's concession speech and Coons' victory speech videos.) While I was editing, David Ledford, the editor-in-chief, came over to show me the front page design with its glorious headline. It was, as we like to say to each other, "off the hook."

Monday, November 1
Another adventure with Justin Williams, this time for a special feature other than Anything Once. We spent a morning in Smyrna learning how to harvest cranberries. I'll post the story and video after they run Wednesday.

Sunday, October 31
Daddy's adorable pumpkin with melon friends

Saturday, October 30 
Baby meets baby at Amanda Maloney's baby shower. We played the baby pin game where each person gets a pin and if they are caught saying "baby," they lose the pin to the person who catches them. It's a struggle. Now, I can say baby as much as I want.


Friday, October 29
Favorite tree outside my apartment

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